<span>A credit card's interest rate is the price you pay for borrowing money. For credit cards, the interest rates are typically stated as a yearly rate. This is called the annual percentage rate (APR). On most cards, you can avoid paying interest on purchases if you pay your balance in full each month by the due date.</span>
Secondary reinforcers
A secondary reinforcer is a type of stimulus or situation that functions as a reinforcer because it has been paired with another stimulus that also functions as a reinforcer. In this case, the reinforcer is the good grade. In turn, the secondary reinforcers are the praise and the money, both of which seem to be effective with Curtis.
The most well-known labor union is thought to be the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.
Work or labor is deliberate action people conduct to sustain themselves, others, or the needs and goals of a broader community. Alternatively, work may be considered as the human activity that contributes together with other forces of production towards the commodities and services inside an economy.
Labor is essential to all societies, but it can vary greatly within and between them, from manually gathering natural resources to using sophisticated technologies that eliminate the need for many people to exert physical or even mental effort. All but the simplest tasks also call for a particular set of abilities, tools, and other resources like raw materials for production of goods.
To Know more about labor here
In guiding and regulating interaction, social rules give behavior recognizable, characteristic patterns, and make such patterns understandable and meaningful for those who share in the rule knowledge.