7 Body Language Differences of the Sexes
Body Language Differences of the sexes
What are the differences between how men and women communicate?
No matter how similar you are to your partner, there are some fundamental differences in the way the sexes communicate through body language that you need to know.
First, the verbal:
Men and women use roughly the same amount of words per day.
Researchers at University of Texas, Austin found that the sexes speak about the same amount of words every day: women at 16,215 words and men at 15,669. BUT:
Women tend to talk more about other people.
Men tend to talk more about objects in their surroundings.
…no wonder my husband wants to talk about what kind of phone a new friend has and I want to talk about the new friend.
Next, let’s talk about nonverbal preferences. What are some of the body language differences between the sexes?
1. The Approach
Typically, women like to be approached from the front and don’t like having someone come up behind them and tap them on the shoulder. Researchers think this is about protection. When a woman can see who is approaching her, she is able to suss them out before a conversation and get a grasp on her safety. Personally, I know being approached from behind can feel a little threatening, even when you are in a friendly place. Men prefer to be approached from the side or at angle because it is less aggressive. The front approach is more like charging at someone.
If you want to approach a man, sidle up to him.
If you want to approach a woman, come up to her from the front so she can see you coming.
en anglais?
2 cups de farine
1/2 càc de bicarbonate de soude
1/2 càc de sel
90 g de beurre fondu et refroidi
1 cup de sucre roux
1 càs d'extrait de vanille
1 oeuf
1 jaune d'oeuf
1 cup de pépites de chocolat
Préchauffer le four à 165°C et recouvrir une plaque de cuisson avec du papier sulfurisé.
Dans un bol mélanger la farine avec le bicarbonate de soude et le sel.
Dans un autre bol, mélanger à l'aide d'une spatule en bois le beurre fondu refroidi avec le sucre.
Ajouter la vanille, l'oeuf et le jaune d'oeuf et mélanger.
Ajouter dans le mélange précédent le mélange à base de farine et mélanger rapidement.
Ajouter les pépites de chocolat et mélanger.
Déposer sur la plaque de cuisson des boules de pâte à cookies prélevées à l'aide d'une cuillère à soupe et roulées entre les paumes des mains.
Enfourner pour 11 à 14 minutes. Ne pas trop faire cuire les cookies, ils doivent être légèrement dorés avec les extrémités commencent à durcir et le centre encore mou.
Sortir du four et laisser refroidir.
Disposer ensuite sur une grille pour laisser complètement refroidir.
the slave basically have no rights except for eat drink and sleep
Jerry felt horrible because he betrayed his best friend. He thought he should feel fine and noble when you did something good. Roger understood in the end
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