Cause and effect.
Because David's car is broken, he has to rent another vehicle, take the bus to work, or have his friend drive him home.
for sale by the ttyt it uh fr the xbox one c set up a good gd uchiha to be a you want to go to the store with me and I can go to e and I got an email saying that I am not going to be there for you and I will be at the house at the end of day on the day I got an email to the office to get the new one is the one I want
D has a slant rhyme, which means its words rhyme, but not directly.
Grain or rice
its very easy all you do is read the story and when u do it says he goes in the store and only steals a few hand fulls to feed his family
Being a hopeless romantic i wish i could say that i know what love is but i don’t know quite yet. i have a feeling that when you find love you’ll know what it is and hopefully build on it.