Everybody’s biased. If you can analyze the authors purpose when they were writing something, you’ll be more aware of this bias. As a history student, you need to acknowledge this bias when researching to ensure that what you are reading is factual and presents a reliable picture on what was going on during that period in time. It can provide insight or can be deceiving, based on the author’s purpose.
During the years 1820-1850, the north and south had quite different daily lives. On the north side, working conditions were terrible as the factory system was developing. As the working conditions had worsened while the factory system was developing many people had lost their jobs which means they couldn't make money to help survive and raise their families. On the south side, cotton was extremely popular to them. Farming was the source of income and food to many people on the south side.
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Diwali is the festival to bring out the loved ones back and spring the memories..
Wishing u and ur family too the best wishes of the special occasion