Because it is a fluid system, the atmosphere is capable of supporting a wide spectrum of motions. These range from turbulent eddies of a few meters to circulations with dimensions of the Earth itself. By rearranging mass, air motion influences otheratmospheric components such as water vapor, ozone, and cloud, which figure prominently in radiative and chemical processes. Such influence makes the atmospheric circulation a key ingredient of the global energy budget.
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The plasma membrane, or the cell membrane, provides protection for a cell. It also provides a fixed environment inside the cell, and that membrane has several different functions. One is to transport nutrients into the cell and also to transport toxic substances out of the cell.
DNA is made up of molecules called nucleotides. Each nucleotide contains a phosphate group, a sugar group and a nitrogen base
Some human activities that cause damage (either directly or indirectly) to the environment on a global scale include population growth, overconsumption, overexploitation, pollution, and deforestation, to name but a few.