Hey there!
There are different types of nerves. Some of them are sensory nerves like the ones in your hands and feet, and some complete other functions. However, they all originate from somewhere.
Cranial nerves originate from the brain itself, and spinal nerves come from the spinal cord. Damaging any can cause serious injury like death and paralysis. There are 12 cranial nerves in the nervous system, and 10 out of 12 originate in the brain stem.
Hope this helps!
Answer: the earh was formed by GOD
Muscles can also receive messages from the brain when the body temperature decreases. They respond by shivering. Shivering causes the muscles to contract and relax quickly. This process generates heat.
Know -
Transmitted through droplets
Has a range of side effects (loss of taste and smell, fever, etc)
People can be asymptomatic
Wonder -
When will we be able to return to semi-normal life?
Will we have to take a shot every year (similar to the flu?)
Why do some coronavirus patients become long-haulers who have recurring symptoms for many months?
Learned -
The mechanics of mask-wearing
How an individual can help their society as a whole
Many members of the population are hesitant to listen to scientists
club mosses mosses ferns horsetails.