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The use of more resources lead to a decrease in resources, therefore the need for more resources. More people means the more need for shelter. More people means more industrialisation to provide for the needs and wants of life.
In fetal life, the lungs are not expanded, so most of the blood from the right ventricle is shunted from the pulmonary artery to the aorta through the patent ductus arteriosus. With a few breaths the lungs expand, and blood flows from right ventricle to pulmonary artery into the lungs. Withdrawal of circulating prostaglandin from the mother plus bradykinins released from the expanding lung of the infant cause the ductus to close over a few minutes to hours. The closed ductus remains as the ligamentum arteriosum.
For coronavirus, it spreads when a person with coronavirus coughs, sneezes, get his or her saliva on another person, or when they get discharge from their nose on another person. I also know that if an infected person infects a non living object, the next person that touches it can get coronavirus by touching his or her body part. (Basically any where with holes including eyes, nose, mouth etc.) coronavirus can stay on surfaces for a long time. I don’t know how long though.