Answer: True.
It is considered a major or catastrophic incident to any incident caused in a natural or provoked way, which endangers the population, infrastructure, or natural resources.
When we talk about the <u>elements of the community</u>, we refer to government agencies, such as the police and firefighters. And non-governmental organizations such as churches, social organizations, or private individuals who can offer their help.
When an incident is considered catastrophic, the entire community's response is expected to help during or after the event. For example, when a hurricane strikes an area, the help is needed to evacuate the victims (firefighters and police). Also is required people who provide food to the victims (can help church members/social organizations), and reconstruction assistance (private company, people from the community).
<em>I hope this information can help you.</em>
4. A test group where the variable is not changed or applied
The brain, though incredible, will not function as properly as it should if you do not train it to. By training and disciplining the brain or the person from an early age, it is easier for certain norms and behaviors too stick throughout their life. This can be used for better or for worse but it is better to do it young when the brain is still growing. This is because when people age, so does their memory and they would already have their own habits by then.
Conditiile favorabile invatarii sunt:
-o camera luminata
-sa fi odihnit
-sa citesti cu atentie lectia\lectiile ce trebuiesc invatate
-loc spatios
-sa nu fi stresat
-sa fi concentrat
-aerul sa fie destul de curat
Sa ai o zi buna!!~~~ :)
Jhon has a paradox, in other words, the question is raised as to whether God exists because there is so much evil and suffering?
With this argument he attacks the faith of Jacob who defends the existence of God by the order so wonderful that there is in the universe, and it is that to tell the truth, we can see the relationship of the order with the clean, the good, the organized, the point here is that although God's creation is perfect, intelligent beings with the ability to reason and think that God has created have freedom of determination to make decisions, something they have not known how to do well, since the ambition for power and wealth they lead him to act badly, then we could say that although God is the creator, he is not the originator of the evil that exists in the world.