The French word translates to "memory," and a "memoir" is an autobiography that is a collection of the author's memories and personal experiences.
Early Christianity developed in theRoman Empire, where many religions were practiced that are, for lack of a better term, labeled paganism. From the point of view of the early Christians these religions all qualified as ethnic (or gentile, ethnikos, gentilis, the term translating goyim, later rendered as paganus) in contrast with Second Temple Judaism.
Democracy is the belief that freedom shall be for all, and all people should hold a voice in government. It is a type of government.
Separation is the type of nationalist movements
Let's start with the explanation of the basic belief of nationalism which is nothing but people who belong to a single nationality or ancestry should come and live under the same government. There are three types of the nationalist movement and they are unification, separation and state-building. As the word unification defines it is nothing but merging the politically divided land but they are culturally same. Separation is defined as culturally distinct groups resist to be a part of a state. State-building is a culturally distinct group forming into a state.