This is an example of classical conditioning. Ivan Pavlov was a russian scientist in the late 19th century who experimented salivation of dogs. He observed that salivating in the present of food was an unconditioned reflex, while salivating for person which dogs related with food is a conditioned reflex.
During his experiments, when he entered the room dogs salivated because they associated his presence with food, even though he was not carrying food.
“It isn't what you earn but how spend it that fixes your class.”
Graduation from high school is an indicator that you are persistent and can make it to college. The next step is college or a vocation. It's like a rite of passage, you are an adult. You are ready for the world and the world is ready for you. Graduation from high school may be the hardest thing you've done, however you are prepared for life.
The Second Battle of Gettysburg.
Major confederate loss.