nucleus,chloroplast,cell wall, cell membrane
The Pepsi he drinks at 10 pm
Pepsi is a caffeinated drink that has caffeine in it. Caffeine is a stimulant which means it keeps the body awake and alert. Caffeine works by mimicking adenosine. Adenosine is produced by neuron cells and when it binds to its own receptors (autocrine signaling) it triggers the neurons cells to continue firing. As the adenosine levels fall as the day progresses, the brain is signaled that it is time rest. Adenosine levels are at the lowest when its almost bedtime. However, when Jon takes Pepsi, the caffeine in it bind to the adenosine receptors and make the brain neurons to keep ‘firing’.
Most cases of dropping water levels are simply evaporation, usually caused by higher temperatures in warmer climates.
The mechanoreceptor that is located deeper in the skin and responds continuously to stimulation and is associated with perceiving stretching of the skin is called Ruffini corpuscle.
Mechanoreceptor is a sensory receptor that responds to mechanical pressure. They are connected with sensory neurons that convert this mechanical pressure into electrical signal. It is of four types-
1. Merkel corpuscles- detect pressure and roughness on skin.
2. Ruffini corpuscles- detect deep tension in skin, skin stretch.
3. Meissner corpuscles- perception of light touch and slip on skin.
4. Pacinian corpuscles or Vater-panician corpuscles- detect rapid vibrations.
When these receptors sense a stimuli they gets excited and generates an impulse that travels through the nerve cells into the brain.
To learn more about Mechanoreceptor here
Other reasons are
Not finishing the antibiotics.
Taking antibiotics too often