1. the elimination or limitation of armed forces, military equipment, or weapons of war disarmament is called disarmament.
2. the movement banning the buying and selling of liquor is prohibition
3. the pursuit of pleasure as the chief activity of life is hedonistic
4. making or selling liquor illegally is bootlegging
5. the thinking that opposes a nation's involvement in political or military affairs outside its hemisphere isolationism
6. the growth of city living prohibition is urbanization
7. the promotion of new and more liberal ideas and changes is progressivism
The Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification of the 1787 U.S. Constitution because they feared that the new national government would be too powerful and thus threaten individual liberties, given the absence of a bill of rights.
During the debate over drafting and ratification, these men were known as Federalists. They designed the constitutional structure, yet they resisted including a Bill of Rights. In 1789, when Rep. Madison introduced the first 10 amendments in the First Congress, he was making a concession to the Anti-Federalists.
The prime minister generally co-ordinates the policies and activities of the Cabinet and Government departments, acting as the main public "face" of Her Majesty's Government. The Prime Minister is ultimately responsible for all policy and decisions. Some policy decisions are made by the Cabinet.
c. Hierarchical environments where those at the top maintain the status quo out of self-interest.
This is usually the type of environments that give rise to revolutions. One of the most important factors in encouraging a revolution is the presence of inequality. Revolutions most often happen when a group feels disadvantaged and thinks that the system it is living under is unjust. For this to happen, you generally need the presence of a wealthier or more powerful group at the top. Moreover, this group must be exclusive, and interested in maintaining the status quo in order to benefit itself.
Explanation:I want to dance with doja cat