Improve her prospective memory
Prospective memory is a type of memory that includes recalling to perform a planned action at some specific point in time or recalling a planned purpose.Prospective memory is needed when we need to bear in mind turning up for an appointment, meeting a friend for lunch or taking certain medications at certain times. Prospective memory tasks are normal in daily life and vary from the relatively easy to extreme circumstances of life.
Brooke uses her alarm set to remind herself to call her instructor as soon as her office hours begin. This shows she is using it as a reminder which also improves her prospective memory.
Tribes consume roots, bulbs, seeds, nuts, berries, ducks, rabbits, squirrel and salmon.
Prejudice is the unjustified belief towards a group of people based on their affiliation to a different race, religion, political party, occupation, etc. While these beliefs remain affective and cognitive they called prejudice but when they start to reflect in action they are called discrimination. Therefore discrimination can be defined as unjustifiable treatment towards an individual based on their membership to a particular group.
James Buchanan served his entire presidency as a bachelor.
North Korea considers the United States a threat and an outsider that shouldn’t be on the Korean Peninsula. The military exercises are seen as a act of agression