#1 is A and #2 is B, but I don't know about #3 and #4.
One of the things that are a challenge, is that you have to get the correct puntuation, correct capitilization, because it's a buisness email. You ont want to mess a buisness email up. You also have to have no repating phrases and sentences. You can't be adding random words and saying "and" all the time.
String date = "21/05/2020";
String dayStr = date.substring(0,2);
int day = Integer.parseInt(dayStr);
Create a variable called <em>date</em> which holds the current date
Create a variable called <em>dayStr</em>. Initialize it to the day part of the <em>date</em> using the substring method
Create a variable called <em>day</em>. Parse the <em>dayStr</em> and assign it to the <em>day</em>
Print the <em>day</em>
A computer system designed to run games is called a game console.