The concept of economic profit ....... <u>alternative</u> two options.
If economic profit is positive .......... <u>Current </u>option.
If economic profit is negative............ <u>Other </u> option
Economic Profit is the excess of revenue associated with an option, over its costs (explicit external & implicit opportunity costs).
Example : Revenue - Direct explicit cost of production - opportunity cost (like interest on money invested, salary of job left foregone).
The concept is used to make decision between two<u> alternative</u> options. Given, zero economic profits imply indifference.
Positive Economic Profit implies - one should choose<u> Current </u>option, as it will make <u>Better off </u>, having more benefit than other option
Negative Economic Profit implies - one should choose <u>Other </u> option, as it wil make better off, having more benefit than the former considered option.