Las computadoras que existian en el inicio de la informatica y las que existen ahora tenian los mismos componentes. Estos eran CPU, Placa Madre, RAM, HDD, y tarjeta grafica. Lo que si cambio fueron el velocidad y capacidad. Por ejemplo, en el inicio las Tarjetas de RAM venian como DDR a una velocidad maxima de 133 Mhz con una capacidad de entre 4mb y 8mb. Hoy en dia tenes RAM de DDR5 con una velocidad de 4400 Mhz y de 8gb. Mientras que avanzaba el tiempo los componentes de las computadoras aumentaban en velocidad y capacidad aunque el tamaño bajaba o aumentaba dependiendo del gusto del usario.
Explanation:Mind mapping software can help you to make connections and become a better creative problem solver.
It helps you to make better decisions. ...
It helps you to become better organized. ...
You can see the forest and the trees. ...
It helps you to identify, prioritize and track key project tasks.
The correct answer to the following question will be Error-detection.
Error-detection: The detection of errors caused during the transmission from the transmitter to the receiver by damage and other noises, known as Error-detection. This error-detection has the ability to resolute if something went wrong and if any error occurs in the program.
There are mainly three types of error-detection, these types can be followed:
- Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)
- Forward Error Correction
- Hybrid Schemes
There are two methods for error-detection, such as:
- Single parity check
- Two-dimensional parity check
select style_name, as brewery,count(beer_id) as Num
from beerdb.beers be
inner join beerdb.styles st
on be.style_id = st.style_id
join beerdb.breweries br on
be.brewery_id = br.brewery_id
group by style_name ,
having count(beer_id)>=10
order by style_name, num desc
Renting means you sign a contract or a lease to live their owning means you bought the house and pay mortgage <span />