A marketing message that is highly regarded in today's world, is one that manages to demonstrate business values in the form of procedures, products and services that contain added value in addition to the purely profitable.
As an example that would write a marketing message about a new clothing brand, it would include information that demonstrates that the manufacturing process and raw materials used in making the clothing is sustainable and has a low impact on the environment.
This is a strategy that increases the perception of stakeholders in relation to products, a brand that actually has parameters of sustainability in its processes can demonstrate them through its marketing messages to create value and greater reliability in the brand, being a great differential for consumers.
A. Matched Samples
Matched samples is a situation whereby participants are paired, sharing every other characteristics except the one under investigation. The idea behind this is to have more control over unwanted variables. In this case, the study is measuring two production methods and in order to control the unwanted variable and leave only the characteristic or variable under investigation which is the production method, the two method is carried out by the same workers each.
nominal interest rate = real interest rate + expected inflation rate
nominal interest rate = 5% + 2% = 7%
Usually the nominal interest rate has four major components:
- real interest rate: the net interest rate received by a lender or an investor
- inflation rate: the general rise in the prices of goods and services, as inflation increases, the purchasing power of a currency decreases
- liquidity risk premium: usually collateralized loans include a liquidity risk premium since not all assets can be easily converted to cash.
- credit risk: possibility of the borrower defaulting the loan
Yes because over time the earth has gotten hotter and hotter each decade, which is undeniable proof that it is real.
Answer with Explanation:
Tangible assets fall under the scope of International Accounting Standard IAS-36 Property, Plant and Equipment which says that assets that qualify following conditions, must be capitalized:
- Assets that have life expectancy of more than a year.
- Benefits of the Assets are controlled by the entity that will flow towards the company.
Now here, the life expectancy of laboratory equipment is unknown and also that we don't know if the asset can be resold in the market or not. This means, if the asset has life expectancy is no more than a year and that the future benefits will flow towards the company then it must be capitalized otherwise it must be expensed out as per the guidelines of International Accounting Standard IAS-38 Intangible Assets, which says that the research cost prior to the development expenditure must be expensed out.
The other two costs are revenue expenditure and must be expensed out under the name research and development cost as per the guidelines of IAS-38.