Rate of return is 16.11%
Dividend Valuation method is used to value the stock price of a company based on the dividend paid, its growth rate and rate of return. The price is calculated by calculating present value of future dividend payment.
Formula to calculate the value of stock
Price = Dividend / ( Rate or return - growth rate )
$54 = $6 / ( Rate or return - 5% )
Rate or return - 0.05 = $6 / $54
Rate or return - 0.05 = 0.1111
Rate or return = 0.05 + 0.1111
Rate or return = 01611
Rate or return = 16.11%
The question is missing the below options:
The answer to the question is $300
In determining the amount of non-value adding cost,Flagler number of hours used in setup process is compared to that of its competitor.As a result of comparison, it came to light that Flagler used two more hours in setup process.
The extra hours do not necessarily make Flagler better,instead it makes worse off, as extra $300(2hrs*$150) would have to be incurred without any benefits derived.
This extra costs that do not make the organization better off and do not add value,so it the non-value adding costs.
The company psid $950,000 for office furniture, building and land
The market value of the assets is
Office furniture= $190,000
Building= $740,000
Land= $132,000
Therefore the cost that should be allocated to the office furniture can be calculated as follows
= 18/100 × 950,000
= 0.18×950,000
= 171,000
First-Look Analysis for Hospital Outlier Monitoring (FATHOM) is a hospital payment monitoring program that contains hospital-specific administrative claims data for a number of CMS-identified problem areas to compare their performance with that of other hospitals.
A Microsoft Access program called FATHOM: First-Look Analysis Tool for Hospital Outlier Monitoring enables CMS to give each State hospital-specific Medicare claims data statistics that show regions with a high payment mistake rate. These target area data act as proxies for payment mistake rates.
An observation that differs greatly from the other data in its set is considered an outlier. To find these entries, an auditor will use a variety of methods, procedures, and tools. Data mining is one such tool that the auditor might use to evaluate information.
Learn more about FATHOM here
a. 2017 2018 2019
Expenses incurred for the year A 36 million 81 million 63 million
Estimated total cost B 180 million 180 million 180 million
% Completion (A/B) C 20% 45% 35%
Revenue recognized for the D 44 million 99 million 77 million
period (220 million * C)
Gross profit (D-A) $8 million $18 million $14 million
b. Yes, the cost-to-cost method provides a good measure of this construction company's performance under the contract.