Rays having same endpoint E but not in the opposite directions are ED and EC. This pair of rays meet at point E having different directions.
arrow (which creates the resultant vector)
When you use the graphing technique when adding vectors, you can use the head to tail method to draw the vectors. And from the starting point or the tail of the first vector you drew, you will draw an arrow touching heads with the head of the last vector drawn.
With that, you can use a ruler to measure the resultant vector's magnitude, and use a protractor to measure it's direction.
Below is an example:
V1 = Vector 1
V2 = Vector 2
R - resultant vector.
1. Scientific question: Can detergent affect flower growth?
2. IV: The soap used in the study
3. DV: Flower growth
A scientific question is a well-sustained question about a given phenomenon of the real world which can be answered by experimental and/or observational procedures. A good scientific question must be testable and lead to falsifiable hypotheses. The dependent variable is the variable that is being measured in the experiment, (i.e. it is being affected by the experimental procedure). On the other hand, the independent variable is the variable that isn't changed by the other variables that are being measured in the experiment.
La siguiente generación o F2 siempre da una proporción 3:1 en la que la característica dominante ... En los individuos diploides cada individuo posee un par de estos determinantes o genes ... Genotipo: Es la combinación específica de alelos para cierto gen o set de genes. ... Fenotipos, Genotipos, Descripción genética