yes we follow rules and be safer in roads .Here are a few basic road safety rules for you can begin with.
Know Your Signals. ...
Stop, Look, And Cross. ...
Pay Attention – Listen. ...
Don't Run On Roads. ...
Always Use Sidewalks. ...
Crossroads and Pedestrian Crossing. ...
Never Stick Hands Outside The Vehicle. ...
Never Cross Road At Bends.
16 yr olds are responsible enough to decide what they want for the country, they know more about politics than many due to social media networks and classes, that have a right to an opinion, especially since they know what’s happening in their country
The first 8 amendments stated Criminal Prosecutions, and citizen's restrictions. (for the most part). These all were fair rights that essentially founded the standpoint for the laws of today. Since these were the first amendments. Congress had to get the important and obvious ones out of the way first. This means they are important to the US and it's way of function.
They can be convicted
I say this because if its weak evidence then its not gonna work BUT if its strong evidence that the judge would find helpful then that would work