Steven Spielberg's highest grossing films in the 20th century were Jaws, E.T., and Jurassic Park. Jaws was released in 1976 and set the highest grossing record at $193 million. By 1993, E.T. had grossed over $700 million only to be beaten by Jurassic Park that year when the dino film grossed over $900 million!
This one individual played a great part in creating the industrial north, as well as the plantation south. Eli Whitney's invention made the production of cotton more profitable, and increased the concentration of slaves in the cotton-producing Deep South.
Europeans were originally motivated to explore the seas to discover previously unknown lands, especially after the contact with America, where europeans found all kind of valuable goods. The portuguese were the first to pursue maritime exploration, soon to be followed by the spaniards.
The constitutional right to bear arms for example as of recent has been getting the attention of many asking to put restrictions on guns which is against the constitution as no rights shall be infringed Also many people are being silenced for using their constitutional right of free speech even some getting arrested for exercising this right