If a star of 50 solar masses were to supernova. It would most likely become a black hole.
A star is a hot body of glowing gas which starts its life in Nebulae. The stars vary in size, mass and temperature. The mass of a star ranges from 1/20 times to 50 solar mass.
The stage one of the stars is born in nebula, which is a region of very high density and then it gets condensed to a huge globule of gas and dust that contracts under its own gravity.
The next stage is a region of the condensing matter which starts heating up and glowing is known as Protostar. At stage three, hydrogen fuses and forms helium as the nuclear reactions start. Stage four is a Main Sequence star when it starts to release its energy, contraction stops and it begins to shine.
Some of the stars have mass more than 3 times of the Sun and up to 50 times the mass of the sun.
When the surviving core is between 1.5-3 solar mass, with higher contraction making it tiny and dense a Neutron star is formed. If the core is greater than 3 solar masses then the core further contracts to become a Black Hole.
If you put equivalent volumes in a bag, where both weigh the same, the density might get equal.
Hope it helped,
Happy homework/ study/ exam!
Genetic variation is a term used to describe the variation in the DNA sequence in each of our genomes. ... Individuals of a species have similar characteristics but they are rarely identical, the difference between them is called variation