a) tie the exception condition to a processing step
Numbering exception conditions, in a fully developed use case description is helpful to tie the exception condition to a processing step
The fully developed use case description is useful for the documentation of the context, purpose, description, conditions, and workflow of each use case. Activity diagrams give a graphical image of the use case workflow and serve the purpose of illustrating the alternative paths through a business process.
see the code snippet below writing in Kotlin Language
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun sumOfNumbers(): Int{
var firstNum:Int
var secondNum:Int
println("Enter the value of first +ve Number")
firstNum= Integer.valueOf(readLine())
println("Enter the value of second +ve Number")
secondNum= Integer.valueOf(readLine())
var sum:Int= firstNum+secondNum
println("The sum of $firstNum and $secondNum is $sum")
return sum
- def Lambda(strList):
- return list(filter(lambda s: (s.startswith("e")), strList))
- print(Lambda(["meaning", "cart", "engine", "egg"]))
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Lambda function is an anonymous function. It is a function without any name and it is started with keyword lambda. To write a lambda function to filter the string started with an 'e', we can write a lambda expression, s.startswith("e") that work on one input strList. If any word from strList started with letter "e", the word will be added into a list generated by filter function. At the end, the Lambda function will return the list of strings as output.
When we test the Lambda function using the sample string list (Line 4), we shall get ['engine', 'egg'] printed to terminal.
<span>The following statements are true:
1. Leased lines require little installation and maintenance expertise.
( A high service quality is offered by point-to point system)
2. Leased lines provide highly flexible bandwidth scaling.
(This Allows a Constant availability)</span>