I prefer indoors exercise more because you can change the temperature and I watch TV lol.
running in your neighborhood
practicing a sport outside ex:soccer
Several factors impact the rate of alcohol absorption. Alcohol absorption is contingent upon an individual's size, gender, tolerance, history of drinking, the ratio of alcohol to liquid in the drink, and contents of the stomach all impact alcohol absorption. Drinking alcohol at a fast rate, especially on an empty stomach is very dangerous. The body metabolizes alcohol at a specific rate relative to the above characteristics. However, if ingestion of alcohol occurs at a rate that is fast than the rate of metabolism of the alcohol, blood alcohol levels rise quickly and will act as a poison in the body. This will cause a heightened state of inebriation, and potentially, sickness or death. Fortunately, many times when this occurs, the body will spontaneously regurgitate the un-absorbed alcohol, therefore ridding the body of a potentially lethal dose of alcohol.
Alright, what is it? I can probably write it, just give me instructions, what it is about and specific details for how and what i write it about!
So you can tell if there are any dangerous gasses in your home and the alarm will alert you.