I will run two miles three times a week for 4 weeks.
I will get in better shape! How?....Too vague
I will exercise on a regular basis! How will you do that? Be Specific....
I will run 2 miles three times a week for 4 weeks. Very specific and actionable
कंप्यूटर एक स्थान पर डेटा की जबरदस्त मात्रा को केंद्रित करते हैं जहां यह अनधिकृत प्रकटीकरण, संशोधन या विनाश के लिए असुरक्षित है। अधिक से अधिक एकाग्रता, किसी भी सुरक्षा उल्लंघन के परिणाम अधिक से अधिक।
Hi there!
Emotional health has a near direct effect on physical health. Stress negatively affects our health; it can cause disease or at least make you more prone to disease, it can cause you lose hair, it affects your mental stability, your sleep patterns among many other things. Two ways you can change the way you live that will reduce the stress in your life could be: 1) not over-working yourself and; 2) getting enough rest each night.
Hope this helps!
- Chris
That is a true statement because most natural reseources are nonrenewable.