1 and 5,
2 and 6,
3 and 4
Intestinal phase: stomach empties and decreases secretions
The intestinal phase is the phase where stomach empties its contents(chyme) and decreases secretion. In this stage the duodenum responds to arriving chyme and moderates gastric activity through hormones and nervous reflexes.
The Chyme is the semi-fluid mass of partly digested food that is expelled by the stomach, through the pyloric valve, into the duodenum.
Gastric phase: stomach secretes juice and mixes food into chyme
The gastric phase is a period in which swallowed food and semi-digested protein ( peptides and amino acids ) activate gastric activity which secretes juice and mixes food into chyme. About two-thirds of gastric secretion occurs during this phase.
Cephalic phase: prepares stomach for arrival of food
The cephalic phase of digestion is the gastric secretion that occurs prior to when food enters the oral cavity. Cephalic phase result from the ignition of visual, olfactory, and auditory inputs to the brain and also induce anticipatory responses i.e prepare the gastrointestinal tract for the meal.
That gaps has made efforts to settle their wages and safety issues in its plants. These issues were faced by gap in earlier 1990 and it has huge impact on operations of company.
When the company realized that health, safety and wage issues , these are solve it out the best possible solution. Ethical issues which sorted out , such as physical abuse labors would experience. 100 countries only 136 were they perform their operations just because of violation company was witnessing.
Without the ethical issues , business as they did before and implemented the ethical ways of doing business or other entity cannot procedure good result. An appropriate leadership can solve their ethics problem which is the company provides training to leader and help in workflow of the company.
to learn more about Ethical issues here
Increases, deposited
water speed increases and the sediments are deposited
In-text citations are for any information you got from another source. if you directly quote it, you need an in-text citation; if you summarize it, you need one; if you paraphrase it, you need one.
APA format in-text citations require three things if available: the author's name, the year, and the page number. for parenthetical citations, it's formatted like so: (Smith, 2002, pp. 91)
however, signal phrases change things. signal phrases are your lead-ins to quotes, like, "According to John Smith" or "An article by Jane Doe" -- HOWEVER, in APA format, you're required to put the year in the signal phrase if you mention the author. "According to John Smith" becomes "According to John Smith (2002)," and you continue your sentence like normal.
if no author is available, cite it by the title of the web article. for example: ("Camping," 2001). if no page number is available, as is usually the case with web sources, leave it out.
remember that if you say the article/page number/author's name IN your signal phrase, the same information doesn't need to be repeated in your in-text citation. you only need to give the information once, because they'll be able to find it on your reference page:
According to John Smith (2002), mosquitoes prefer humid weather (pp. 9).
Mosquitoes prefer humid weather (Smith, 2002, pp.9).
According to page 9 of "The Great Outdoors" by John Smith (2002), mosquitoes prefer humid weather.
note that for the last one, no "end of the sentence" in-text citation is needed, because you gave all three pieces of info within the sentence.
an easy way to remember the difference between MLA and APA is that APA emphasizes the date of your source more. it wants the year as soon as you reference your author. this is because in science fields, discoveries are often made then later revised, so they want to know what year you got your information from. outdated information could be considered like invalid or whatever so dates matter A Lot for science!!
MLA format is actually easier. all you have to do for the in-text citations is the author's last name and page number, or the article title. no dates are needed in-text.
as an example: (Smith 9)
no "pp." is needed as they require in APA format. just the name, then a number for the page. that's it. if you say the author's name in your signal phrase, you only need to give the page number:
According to John Smith in his book "The Great Outdoors," mosquitoes prefer humid weather (9).
According to "The Great Outdoors," mosquitoes prefer humid weather (Smith 9).
According to page 9 of "The Great Outdoors," mosquitoes prefer humid weather (Smith). long. but i hope it helps! feel free to message me if you run across any special cases that give you trouble.
frameshift mutation (i think)
because it messes up the whole strand by deleting or inserting a base. honestly not 100% sure so take this with a grain of salt lol