about succession? it's c.
Humans have 22 chromosome pairs and two sex chromosomes. Females have two X chromosomes; males have an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. ... In humans, animals, and plants, most chromosomes are arranged in pairs within the nucleus of a cell. Humans have 22 of these chromosome pairs, called autosomes.
To find the average they also take into account the salary of the president, who probably makes a lot more than $20,000.
Anterior end
You have a pretty good shot at guessing this, because the earthworm has very little going on at the posterior end except the anus. And you probably saw this in lab, too.
I've attached a picture of the earthworm anatomy. Worms can't smell in the strictest sense, but they can use their receptors as kind of a combo smell-taste thing, and those are located in the anterior end.
Profase - Metafase - Anafase - Telofase - Citocinesis
Estas fases ocurren en orden estrictamente secuencial y la citocinesis —el proceso de dividir el contenido de la célula para hacer dos nuevas células— comienza en la anafase o telofase. Etapas de la mitosis: profase, metafase, anafase y telofase. La citocinesis típicamente se superpone con la anafase o telofase.