The ventromedial hypothalamus is the part of the brain that
is responsible for hunger, fear, and even the sexual activity. In this problem,
researchers destroyed snippy’s ventromedial hypothalamus, this means that
snippy will not be able to feel hunger, fear and will not be active in sexual
Collection fits into the water cycle because of how all the water molecules collect in the clouds
As the world's most dominant and productive crop, with extensive areas of land dedicated to global production yields of over 1 billion metric tons, corn is used for a variety of purposes — including animal feed, grain for human consumption, ethanol, as well as for high fructose corn syrup, sweeteners, starch, and for ingredients in food and all natural products
the Grey line is the expect change and is where the temperature should be
the black line is where the temperature is and how much the temperature can fluctuate while still allowing the organism to live and do so comfortably
Mostly any bug you can think of