The model is inaccurate because the base pairs are incorrect.
The model of DNA that the student made was:
The model is pairing the bases incorrectly since guanine (G) forms a base pair with cytosine (C) and adenine (A) with thymine (T). In other words, the bases do not pair with the same type.
The DNA strands, which have deoxyribose, phosphate groups, and different bases, are together thanks to hydrogen bonds between the pairs. The pair G-C has three hydrogen bonds, while the pair A-T has two hydrogen bonds.
Answer: White tailed deer have a seasonal breeding cycle because offspring born in the spring and summer will be able to have access to more food whereas offspring born in the winter or fall might not survive the cold! Hope this helps! :)
The answer to the question: Class II MHC proteins are found on which of the following cell types, would be: on macrophages and lymphocytes, particularly T-Cells.
MHC, or Major histocompatibility complex, is a very important part of the immune response that the body gives against an invading pathogen, or other foreign substances. There are three types in the human body, Class I, Class II and Class III and each of them will play a role on the cellular membrance of different types of cells and mediate different types of responses. In the human body, this histocompatibility complex is best known as HLA, or human leukocyte antigen, and it will ensure the recognition, or non-recognition of substances, tissues, and other organisms, by the human immune system. Class II, as mentioned before, are most usually found on the immune cells macrophages and lymphocytes, and they are the ones responsible for presenting antigens to these proteinic antibodies so that the immune cells can initiate a proper immune response.
Respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks.
Without lysosomes, the cell would not be able to break down no longer functioning cellular components, other wastes, or foreign invaders. The buildup of those wastes would kill the cell, as would a pathogen that cannot be killed by that cell.