A habitat defines the interaction of organisms with the other factors, which can be living or non-living, while niche describes how that specific organism is linked with its physical and biological environment. Habitat is the part of the ecosystem, while niche plays an important role in the formation of an ecosystem.
Muscles are required in breathing, talking, running, walking, and any body movement. Actin and myosins are protein filaments present in muscle cells that help to contract and relax or change the shape of muscles. Muscles are responsible for the movement or motion of organisms. Joints are the connection between two or more bones. Most joints are mobile.
Muscle strength is determined by several factors. Some of those are the physical shape, size, and innervation of the muscles.
Weak contraction
- Potassium accumulates in the sarcoplasm.
- Contracted lower sarcoplasm pH.
- Begin contraction with muscle already 50%.
- The circular arrangement of muscle fascicles.
Stronger contraction
- Increase in muscle belly circumference.
- A lesser proportion of motor neurons to muscle fibers.
- Increased recruitment.
- Increased stimulus frequency.
Sorry I have no idea but if you read the summer of the swans please let me know because I got a lot of questions to ask
The most well-known living things have common names. For example, you are probably familiar with the small, red insects dotted with little black spots. You might call them 'ladybugs' or 'ladybird beetles.' But did you know there are actually many different species of these insects? Just using common names may make it difficult for scientists to differentiate between them, so every species is given a unique scientific name.
Binomial nomenclature is the formal naming system for living things that all scientists use. It gives every species a two-part scientific name. For example, a ladybug found in the United States goes by the fancy name of Harmonia axyridis.
The first part of a scientific name, like Harmonia, is called the genus. A genus is typically the name for a small group of closely related organisms. The second part of a scientific name, axyridis in this example, is the specific epithet. It is used to identify a particular species as separate from others belonging to the same genus. Together, the genus plus the specific epithet is the full scientific name for an organism.
I bet that you actually already know the scientific name for at least one animal, although you may not have realized it. Ever heard of the dinosaur T. rex? T. rex is actually a scientific name - the 'T' is just an abbreviation of the genus Tyrannosaurus. So the scientific name is actually Tyrannosaurus rex.
In this case, the biology graduate have to select species-specific genes and then identify if they were expressed in RNA-seq data
By RNA-seq it is possible to identify mRNAs specifically expressed between species since homologous species-specific genes may show single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among alleles with a biased gene expression