// A optimized school method based C++ program to check
// if a number is composite.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
bool isComposite(int n)
// Corner cases
if (n <= 1) return false;
if (n <= 3) return false;
// This is checked so that we can skip
// middle five numbers in below loop
if (n%2 == 0 || n%3 == 0) return true;
for (int i=5; i*i<=n; i=i+6)
if (n%i == 0 || n%(i+2) == 0)
return true;
return false;
// Driver Program to test above function
int main()
isComposite(11)? cout << " true\n": cout << " false\n";
isComposite(15)? cout << " true\n": cout << " false\n";
return 0;
once you have sent the email it will only go to the server which then the person receiving it would log on therefore requesting the emails recived.
I'm not 100% sure my answer is classed as correct but I would say it doesn't go to a computer it just gets stored on a server in till requested
In simple English, an array is a collection.
In C also, it is a collection of similar type of data which can be either of int, float, double, char (String), etc. All the data types must be same. For example, we can't have an array in which some of the data are integer and some are float.
this happened by chance in a positive manner.
Step 1: Obtain a description of the problem. This step is much more difficult than it appears. ...
Step 2: Analyze the problem. ...
Step 3: Develop a high-level algorithm. ...
Step 4: Refine the algorithm by adding more detail. ...
Step 5: Review the algorithm.