As an improper fraction: 8463/32
As a mixed number 264 15/32
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Multiply the base number times the denominator, then add the numerator to that number, and put it over the original denominator.
2. Do this for all of the numbers
3. multiply straight across, top*top*top, then bottom*bottom*bottom numbers. That number will be your improper fraction. Then divide that top number by the bottom denominator, take it out, leave the remainder as the numerator, and you have your mixed number.
2.4 miles
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
Greatest common Factor of 26 and 42 is 2
Graph 1: Consistent Dependent
Graph 2: Consistent Independent
Graph 3: Consistent Dependent
Graph 4: Inconsistent
Step-by-step explanation:
Consistent means they have at least one solution. So lines that intersect once or lines that intersect infinitely many times are both consistent systems.
If they are the system that has one solution they are considered independent.
If they are the system that has infinitely many solutions then are considered dependent.
Inconsistent means they won't intersect at all.
First graph shows the same line graphed onto itself. That means they have infinitely many solutions and is therefore a consistent dependent system.
Second graph shows the lines intersecting once. That means they have one solution and therefore is a consistent independent system.
Third graph shows the same description of graph one and is therefore a consistent dependent system.
The last graph shows parallel lines. Parallel lines do not intersect and therefore do not have a solution. So this system is inconsistent.