● He is interested <em><u> </u></em><em><u>in</u></em><em><u> </u></em> learning Romanian.
More information:
what is prepositions:
● A preposition is a word which is placed before a noun or pronoun to show the relation in which a person or think denoted by the noun stand to some think else as —
the book is on the table.
the pen is in my pocket.
kinds of preposition:
(1)simple preposition —prepositions of one word are called simple prepositions as —
in, at, of, to, from, by, on, out, up, with, etc...
(2)compound preposition—prepositions format by adding a perfix to a noun, adjective or adverb are called compound prepositions as —
at about ,above, among ,before ,below ,between, beyond, within etc...
(3)participle preposition—some project participles are also used at prepositions as —