Which substance has a high albedo? B) White Sand
The albedo is the amount of energy that is reflected by a surface. It is determined by the refletivity of that surface. Albedo can range from 0 (no reflection) to a value of 1 (100% reflection). Generally, dark surfaces have a low albedo and light surfaces have a high albedo. Liquid water is considered to have a low albedo, like dark rock and rich soil.
A sole carbon particle: The degradation of particulate organic matter in the ocean is a central process in the global carbon cycle, the mode and tempo of which is determined by the bacterial communities that assemble on particle surfaces.
I think its bone, air and hence
A trait is a characteristic, such as color or size, that is inherited by an offspring from its parents. The genes that control a trait come in pairs, one gene from each parent. We represent these gene pairs by writing a combination of two letters. For example, if one parent contributes a gene for blue eyes (c), and other parent contributes a gene for brown eyes(C), then we write the offspring’s eye color trait as Cc. This combination, of the two genes that determine the trait, is called a genotype. If gene pair contains a dominant allele, the the offspring will show this dominant trait