there are actually no ads out here.. just create a new account I guess.. that's the only thing that can help
I hope it helps... starts over by creating a new account
Where's the problem? I can not see the problem
What do you mean by items, you mean weapons?
U.S. government - Budget surplus or deficit 2000-2025. In 2019, the U.S. government had a budget deficit of 0.53 trillion U.S. dollars. This is compared to 2000, when the government had a budget surplus of 0.24 trillion U.S. dollars.
i hope i helped =)
One major difference between South Africa and Nigeria is the nature of their economies. South Africa is characterized by a highly diversified economic base. This is in most ways a huge contrast to the Nigerian economy. It has in the recent past been bedeviled by remarkably low market prices.
I hope it helps