The topics you should learn are equating denominators and fractions. This is summing up simple fractions.
So we have to make denominators' numbers the same in order to sum up them all (we can sum fractions if the denominators are the same) , and we did it by cross product (that thing on the picture)
Equating by lcm (least common multiple) is the easiest way, because you might see bigger numbers on other questions, and cross product will bring much bigger numbers, so this technic might confuse you.
By the way lcm of 4 and 5 is already 20
Hope it helps!
Answer: The perimeter of Martha's wooden border = 44 feet.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given: The formula to find the perimeter = 2w + 2l. , where w = width and l = length
If l= 12 feet and w = 10 feet
Then, the perimeter of Martha's wooden border = 2(10)+2 (12) feet
The perimeter of Martha's wooden border = 20+24 feet
The perimeter of Martha's wooden border = 44 feet
Therefore, the perimeter of Martha's wooden border = 44 feet.
TSR because if u look at the lines of where their similar on the second one you match it up
A perfect cube is a cube that reduces "perfectly" without any decimals. Examples include √25 = 5
17:14 or 17 to 14
Step-by-step explanation:
since you know there are 14 girls, subtract 14 from 31 and then you'll get 17. since its asking for a ratio of boys to girls not girls to boys, you put boys first, then girls. so your answer will be 17:14