See explaination
#Run the code in the python version 3.x.
#Define the function.
def shampoo_instructions(num_cycles):
#Check the cycles to be greater than 1.
if num_cycles < 1:
#Display the statement.
print('Too few.')
#Check the cycles to be greater than 4.
elif num_cycles > 4:
#Display the statement.
print('Too many.')
#The else part.
#Initialize the variable.
N = 1;
#Begin the for loop.
for N in range(N, num_cycles+1):
#Print the result.
print(N , ": Lather and rinse.")
#Print the statement.
#Call the function.
1. Declaration: the return type, the name of the function, and parameters (if any)
2. Definition: the body of the function (code to be executed)
<span>Accessibility refers to access to some form of computer
technology. This means that numbers are easily organized and data is easily
calculated making it easier for people’s lives. It is a means of an efficient
and more productive existence in the work environment.</span>
use an anchor tag(<a>This is an anchor tag</a>) and use the href attribute and set it's destination to the section element who's id or class is "sisters".
<a href="#Sisters">Click Here!</a>
then you can add this somewhere on the document.
<section id="Sisters">Hello World!</section>