The answer is the first response, by order of elimination, you can eliminate the rest.
HTML is a programming language that is used to design websites. You don't need to program a website to make a post on instagram, especially if you are using the app.
If you check the app store on your phone, you can find instagram in the app store, which lets you access it from your mobile device. Thus, the third option is wrong.
Finally, just read the description of instagram. It was made for sharing pictures, so the last option is wrong.
Natural systems are already in place while man made systems were created by humans manipulating things in some way.
man made: human created
natural systems: existed without interference
Cloud computing is more complex than traditional approach due to the following reasons.
1.Cost Savings and Total Cost of Ownership. When you move to cloud computing you tend to save money in several ways in comparison to traditional IT, including the reduction of in-house equipment and infrastructure.
2.Dissatisfaction in Traditional IT. Many companies are frustrated with the negatives that come with traditional IT, such as poor data backup, managing and maintaining your own hardware, and lack of disaster recovery options.
3.Time to Value and Ease of Implementation. Since you don’t have to spend time configuring hardware, maintain systems, and patching software, you can invest your resources elsewhere.
4.Access to Emerging Technology. Much like a car, the minute you purchase on-premise hardware and software, it immediately starts to age. You can access the latest and greatest innovations with a cloud provider who has more purchasing power and stays up-to-date with available solutions. Also, as new innovations are released, they become less likely to integrate with legacy solutions that are often inflexible. Instead, cloud-first development is coming to the forefront.
5.Using Hybrid to Optimize your Operations. Some organizations take the use of the cloud even further by using multiple clouds simultaneously, thus giving them even more agility. Workloads are placed where they perform best, and where costs are most efficient.
No need to woory abt age !!! In today's competitive grant world, this phenomenon is exacerbated. It is dangerous to one's funding to go against the trend, and if there is a lab to support and mouths to feed, the disincentives are great. This phenomenon stifles creativity, perhaps far more than biological age does.
<span>While it is not frequently acknowledged either in the popular press or in scientific literature, a significant fraction of scientific discovery is the result of serendipity (or to put it more bluntly, luck). From the discovery of penicillin by Fleming to the discovery of new ionization techniques such as MALDI that power modern mass-spectrometry based proteomic research, luck has frequently played a big role. Such discoveries are generally attributed to hard work and genius, rather than to luck. Doing so gives the “genius” too much credit and luck too little.
</span><span>Risk taking is where most of the big discoveries in science lie. so takerisks.
</span>enjoy always specially when you r working and learn to say no
Learning to say “no” is particularly important for young faculty, who find themselves barraged with such requests, and who can easily get sucked into full-time committee duties. It is wise to step back frequently and ask, “overall, is this work I am doing fun?” If the answer is no, perhaps it is time to revisit and consider diving into a new area.
<span>Note the distinction in this guideline from: “learn to write and present well.”
</span><span>Understanding and conveying the big picture for one's work is perhaps the greatest challenge facing young scientists
</span>That's all I can give.
First look at the function definition .It has two arguments intVal is passed by reference while floatVal is passed by value.So the changes done on the myInt variable will be reflected on the original argument because when a variable is passed by reference the the changes are reflected on the original argument but when a variable is passed by value the function created a duplicate copy of it and work on them so changes are not reflected on the original argument.So myInt will get doubled while myFloat will remain the same.