It means that pay tax but have no voice in the society. After the seven years war, British was in a big depth so they taxed the hell out of America. And America was angry about but couldn't do nothing. They said that they pay a bunch of taxes but have no voice in the government
Es un río enclavado en la parte este del continente africano cuya cuenca alberga Uganda, Etiopía, Tanzania, Ruanda, Burundi, Kenia, Sudán, Sudán del Sur, Eritrea, República Democrática del Congo y, por supuesto, Egipto. Está conformado por 2 sistemas fluviales: el Nilo Azul en Etiopía y el Nilo Blanco en Burundi. El primero tiene su inicio en el lago Tana y se une al Blanco en Sudán, a través de unos 1,400 kilómetros. Por su parte, la fuente del Nilo Blanco es un poco confusa; es posible que el río Ruvyronza, un afluente del río Kagera, sea su fuente más remota. Excepto durante agosto y septiembre, el Nilo Azul provee menos del 20 por ciento del agua del Nilo.
The camps were liberated by Allied forces near the end of the war.
If you remember, this is known as the Holocaust. What the Nazi's did to the Jew was a violation of their human rights and will always go down in history as something to never be forgotten. The way they were treated is unspeakable, brash, cruel, despicable and once the world had found out what the Nazi's were doing; there was a huge uproar. May this never be forgotten.