The land that was given by the king to a noble was called a fief.
Localised Amnesia
The tragic occurrence could have many negative effects on a human being, either physical, psychological or sociological. Localized Amnesia is the most common form of failure to recall events during a circumscribed period of time. There are several other associated amnesia that may also occur to victims like Systematised amnesia, Generalised amnesia and many more. localized amnesia is a temporary memory loss restricted to specific or isolated experiences. Also called circumscribed amnesia; lacunar amnesia.
Nelson Mandela
He was the former President of South Africa.
He was also a social rights activist who became south Africa's black president from 1994 to 1999
Significado da vida, ou "ter vivido" por assim dizer, é ter, ao longo dos anos, contribuido de forma positiva para si e para a sociedade na qual a pessoa está inserida.
Atos de gentileza, trabalho formal, relações de amizade, amorosa e outras são aspectos da vida de onde se pode tirar aprendizados e contrubuições para o próximo.
Se entrassemos na esfera espiritual, seria o que chamam de evolução espitural para se tornar alguém melhor e ir para um plano maior. Na minha visão, mais prática, é simplemente amar e respeitar o próximo e ser produtivo de alguma forma positiva ao longo da vida.
Gender - Sex.
The distinction between gender and sex differentiates a person's biological sex (the anatomy of the individual) from the gender, which is related to how one sees him/herself, with the personal identification of one's own gender.
As the exercise details, gender is used when referring to male-female-other differences that are learned and sex to designate biological, anatomical differences of one's sexual reproduction system.