First, take three off it, because that will form the whole-number part:
3.92 = 3 + 0.92
Next, read off the place value of the last digit. The 2 is in the 'hundredths' column, which means that 0.92 = 92/100:
3.92 = 3 + 92/100
Finally, simplify 92/100 by dividing top and bottom by 4 to get 23/25. Then, shove it all together:
3.92 = 3 23/25
ndex Notation and Powers of 10
10 to the Power 2
The exponent (or index or power) of a number says
how many times to use the number in a multiplication.
102 means 10 × 10 = 100
(It says 10 is used 2 times in the multiplication)
Example: 103 = 10 × 10 × 10 = 1,000
In words: 103 could be called "10 to the third power", "10 to the power 3" or simply "10 cubed"
Example: 104 = 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 = 10,000
In words: 104 could be called "10 to the fourth power", "10 to the power 4" or "10 to the 4"
Wait but that is a test don't you need to look at a book or something insteadt of waiting for the answers
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