Answer:a) Regency effec b) Primary effect
Explanation:The Primacy/Recency Effect refers to the fact that one is able to remember the first information or what they hear first or what they encounter at the begining (primacy ) and the last information at the end(Recency) better than they remember the information found in the middle .
Primacy is likely caused by the fact that one has plenty of time to recall this first presented Information because it doesn't compete with other information as it is the first encounter. Middle information is hard to recall because there is usually a lot of information to recall in the middle whilst the last information is usually short as does the first information.
Hippo campus is a part of your brain which is involved in the formation of new memories and data acquirement process. This part of the brain is extremely crucial in learning process.
When you somehow damage this part of your brain, your ability to learn new information will be compromised. This might explain why the person described on the excerpt unable to name the news event that he learned after the damage occurred.
When diverse African empires, small to medium-sized nations, or kinship groups came into conflict for various political and economic reasons, individuals from one African group regularly enslaved captives from another group because they viewed them as outsiders.
Answer: Jews, Gays, Gypsies, Handicaps, Christians, Transgenders etc.
John Smith Persuaded Powhatan of his innocence of violence towards the natives after he was ambushed by the Indians and brought forth to their leader,Powhatan. He convinced them that the settlers were peaceful and meant no harm towards his people. Despite the later ongoing events.