The most common salary is $605. The salary that half the employees salaries surpass is $630. The percent of employees salary that serve because $700 is 75%. Percent of employees salaries that were less than $480 is 25%. The 9% percent of employees salaries this surpass $891 years. The total weekly salary of 104 employees is 57200.
Step-by-step explanation:
It is given that mean is $550, first quartile is $480, median is $630, third quartile is $700, mode is $605 and 91st percentile is $891.
First quartile is at 25% of the data, median is at 50% of the data, third quartile is at 75% of the data.
The mode of a set of data values is the value that occurs most often.
The most common salary is mode, therefore the most common salary is $605.
The salary that half the employees salaries surpass is $630. Because median is the half of the data.
The percent of employees salary that serve because $700 is 75%. Because $700 is third quartile.
Percent of employees salaries that were less than $480 is 25%. Because $480 is first quartile.
The percent of employees salaries this surpass $891 years is 9%. Because $891 is 91 percentile. Therefore 9% employees get more than $891.
If the company has 104 employees than the total salary of employees is

because means is $550, therefore the total weekly salary of 104 employees is 57200.