Maybe right depends on the subject but a major study shows that poor countries have higher birthrates but in first world countries there is less thats is why there is less babies being born in the 1st world countries because of the better health care and access to cleaner water and more food and economic growth and lesser corruption so the awnser would be economic growth or you can rephrase the words i used to make an awser that fits hopefully i helped
Paraplegia affects the body from the chest down, whereas quadriplegia/tetraplegia affects the cervical spinal cord.
According to modified physical education, what level of the spinal cord does a lesion at separate quadriplegia from paraplegia?
The most common recognized cause of quadriplegia is spinal cord damage, particularly in the cervical vertebrae, as was previously mentioned (the C1-C7 sections of the spine which are nearest to the skull).
What level of the spine does paraplegia occur?
Arm and hand function are unaltered when paraplegia is discovered at T1, but the trunk and legs are restricted. People who have experienced sacral level damage can walk with the use of assistive devices, but they will have limited bowel, bladder, and sexual function.
To better understand the differences between paraplegia to quadriplegia\s
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