Make it sound fun.
Help them come up with ideas to do
set goals
add a prize at the end to make them strive for.
B. Binging and purging
The physical signs and symptoms of anorexia nervosa are related to starvation. Anorexia also includes emotional and behavioral issues involving an unrealistic perception of body weight and an extremely strong fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. It may be difficult to notice signs and symptoms because what is considered a low body weight is different for each person, and some individuals may not appear extremely thin. Also, people with anorexia often disguise their thinness, eating habits or physical problems.
A)Erikson emphasized the importance of both early and later experiences.
Erikson differentiates from Freud, in his emphasis on early and late experiences, whereas Freud ended his analysis in adulthood.
For Freud, psychosexual forces stress the basic needs and biological forces, as Erikson's psychosocial theory bases on social and environmental factors.
During adulthood, other aspects of development continue to exist according to Erikson. How sees other influences broadening the psychoanalytic theory created by Freud.
Erikson's contributions note how personality develops and is shaped throughout life.
<em>Erik Erikson worked together with Joan Erikson to identy eight stages of development where identity and psychosocial factors set individuals development </em>
<em>The table states the stages and the ongoing dynamics:</em>
Don’t know man sorry just need to get free questions