The correct option is C.
Living organisms that live in the littoral zones in the ocean are used to frequent changes in temperature and in the salinity of the ocean water. For an organism to survive in this environment, it needs to have adaptive features that will increase its survival. The littoral zone is divided into three zones, which are high, middle and lower littoral zones. Organisms living in high littoral zone have adaptive features that make them more adapted to desiccation due to the long hours of sunlight to which they are exposed. The organisms are usually exposed directly to the air or they can be enclosed in burrows.
C if you plug it into the sentance its the only one that makes sense
<span>Depending on the situation, oxygen will be given and the patient will be instructed to breathe very slowly. If it is a panic attack, medication or a shot may be given to slow breathing and stop the attack.
You can prop the patient up so they more easily breathe. Then they will administer oxygen and instruct you to take deep slow breaths. If this is caused by anxiety, further medication may be given.
You might be clostrophobic or there might be a lot of dust in the house which would block the moisture in your lungs. This would make you gasp for air.
You have a preliminary period of just classroom study before they let you loose on patients. This varies, but 6 wks at a minimum .
Don't mean to alarm you but this could be lung leakage or a heart attack symptom. Or you could be suffering from anxiety.</span>
The effect differs. It could produce a different amino acid in the sequence because the corresponding codon has changed. It could also prevent the production of the originally intended sequence by changing one of the amino acids of a "start" codon (aka AUG) or extend the protein's sequence by modifying a "stop" codon (UAA, UAG, UGA or UGG), producing a new protein that might be useless or have different effects on the cell.
In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.
Chromosomes are not visible in the cell’s nucleus—not even under a microscope—when the cell is not dividing. However, the DNA that makes up chromosomes becomes more tightly packed during cell division and is then visible under a microscope. Most of what researchers know about chromosomes was learned by observing chromosomes during cell division.