The conquest of new lands allowed Romans to "C. Trade good theypreviously did not have," since the new lands offered more raw and cultivated materials.
The answer is they made it to realistic pictures of prominent citizens. Following the new emphasis on individuals, painters commenced to paint distinguished citizens. these practical photos revealed what changed into distinctive approximately absolutely everyone. similarly, artists which include the sculptor, poet, architect, and painter Michelangelo, Buonarroti used a practical style while depicting the human frame.
The freedom of african americans where socially limited as they where refrained from communicating to family they had in africa and from speaking back to there owners. Freedom for African americans was limited politically as they had no right to vote or speak up about what or who they thought should have been president. F<span>reedom for African americans was limited economically as they where only </span>allowed to do what told when it came to farming or living as most have to outside or do what ever they had to outside.
Besides avoiding plagiarism, documentation provides a paper with PROFESSIONALISM.
Because Belgium was the country in which the Nazis had to march through in order to get to France another way.