<span>Inflation is good because it keeps the economy growing as wages increase and demand for goods goes up, but if inflation gets high then the economy can become overheated when prices go up too fast and people can't afford goods. The Federal Reserve Bank, if you're in the USA, will then raise interest rates to make loans more expensive and rewarding people for not spending money, which slows down the economy back to a healthy state.</span>
People should volunteer to help out the community and overall make you a better person. Helping out can drastically change someones overall appearance making them seem like a nicer and more chill human being to be around. Volunteering also works on Social Skills that many people lack every human should work on there social skills and interacting with people by volunteering.
Calculation of Direct Material Budget for the month of July:
Budgeted production (Units) for July 5,000
Material required per unit (pounds) 3
Material requirement for July (pounds) = (5000 units * 3 pounds) 15,000
Add: Ending material inventory (5300 units * 3 pounds* 30%) 4,770
Less: Beginning material inventory 4,500
Direct Material Purchase (Pounds) (15000+4770-4500) = 15,270
Cost per pound of Metrial ($) $6.00
Direct Material Purchase ($) (15270 pounds * $6) = $91,620
Three part test.
The outcome: if the three requirements are not met, then there is not point the Government should interfere.
At the end, the law will be held.
In some cases, the courts are allowed to protect individual, company or business organization from Government interrupting with these individuals or business organization "fundamental right" and this is the "substantive due process rights " of insurance companies as mentioned in the question above.
The test that the United State Supreme Court can use to determine whether the regulations they want to enact would violate the substantive due process rights of insurance companies is what is known as the THREE PARR TEST.
THE THREE PART TEST has its root from cases such as that of Pasgraf V Long Island Railroad co. The three part test involves three main subjects and they are;
=> foreseeability: are the policies in which insurance companies work going to affect the consumers in the future?
=> proximity: what kind of relationship do the insurance companies have with there consumers?
=> fairness: are these policies just and fair?
CONCLUSION: if the three requirements are not met, then there is not point the Government should interfere.