El presidente y su gabinete de ministros representa en ala ejecutiva del poder publico. Esto significa que tienen a su cargo la administración del país y de los recursos del gobierno, a nivel nacional, y dependiendo del país, a nivel reginal o municipal, ya sea de forma directa o con transferencias.
El presidente y su gabinete también tiene a cargo el hacer válida la ley y su cumplimiento, y es por esto que bajo su poder también se encuentran las fuerzas armadas y la policía.
<span>The nursing student would need to include a stroke as a possible consequence of untreated chronic hypertension. Chronic hypertension can cause blood vessels in the brain to leak or burst which will lead to a stroke. Chronic hypertension also causes blood clots which lead to a stroke.</span>
Hagia Sophia was built at Constantinople, which is currently known as Turkey during the past centuries. It is established with two floors which a high ceiling together with other smaller domes. Its dimensions are formidable, like any structure that is not built with steel. The primary purpose of Hafia was for Islamic worship, but it was transformed into a museum.
Therefore, the building of Hagia Sophia leads to great revolt that affected Constantinople significantly leading to riots in the city by Byzantine culture.
The following are the best five answers for ways to conserve fuel:
-Ride a bike to work instead of drive.
-Call a store to see if they have what you want to buy.
-Share a ride with someone else.
-Take a bus instead of drive.
-Avoid maintaining your vehicle unless it's absolutely necessary.
Thomas Jefferson thanks me later ok