When the body element CSS color style was changed, The color of all the text in the HTML file changed to the specified color, the same goes for font-size, font-weight, etc.
HTML or hypertext markup language is a markup language used in web development to implement the position and structure of the web page. It has no style, so, CSS or cascading style sheet is used to style the HTML elements in the web page.
For copyright<span> purposes, there is a difference between </span>MUSICAL<span> COMPOSITIONS and SOUND RECORDINGS. A </span>Musical Composition<span> consists of </span>music<span>, including any accompanying words, and is normally registered as a work of performing arts. The author of a </span>musical composition<span> is generally the composer and the lyricist, if any.</span>
Some people either add a shape as I do. But for this particular question it would be, either add word art or create a list with bullets. I would rather do word art or insert shape because that means you do not have to get the single bullet.
I really do hope this helped you. I hope you have a great day. And if I am incorrect I apologize.
Variables. A variable is a way of naming and storing a value for later use by the program, ... its type, and optionally, setting an initial value (initializing the variable). ... byte x; x = 0; x = x - 1; // x now contains 255 - rolls over in neg. direction
Option C is the correct answer for the above question.
Pishing is a type of attack which is used by the attacker to access the secured information from the system. It is used by the third person assuming for the system that he is the right use of the system and can access the information of the system.
The above question asked about the attack which can access the information to assume that he is the right user and give accessed to the network to been hacked. So the answer is phishing which is described above. Hence option C is the correct while the other is not because:-
- Option A states about direct mail which is not a type of attack.
- Option B states about instant messaging which is also not a type of attack.
- Option D states about spam which is used to send the spam messages.
- Option 'E' states about the mass mail which is used to send the lots of spam mail.